Working Principal of Kitchen Chimney

Working Principal of Kitchen Chimney :

  • A kitchen chimney is a contraption that outlet smoke, moisture and oil filled air. It reduces indoor air pollution, keeps your kitchen neat and clean and prevents breathing problems.
  • Cooking exemption a lot of solid microscopic and liquid microscopic particles called particulates matter. They are approximately 1 to 10 micrometers in diameter, and consist of organic and inorganic substances like smoke, water vapor, soot, oil fumes, aromatic fumes and bits of food. Particulates are injuries for health and cause respiratory disorders. They need to be removed through chimneys, exhaust fans, ventilators and windows.
  • In modern Indian homes, chimneys are especially important due to the nature of the kitchen. Indian cooking entails lot of frying and sautéing. Lot of our dishes have the typical style of preparation which generated clouds of smoke filled with spices, organic matter, oil, and moisture.
  • If these pollutants are not immediately removed, they stick to walls, ceilings, cabinets and appliances, and over time, impart a yellowish tinge to things, giving the kitchen a dirty look. Therefore, to prevent your house basically kitchen and everything in it from aging faster than they should, it is recommended that you install a good kitchen chimney.
